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HW 11

Question 1

  • EREW PRAM: Exclusive Read, Exclusive Write Parallel Random Access Machine, where only one processor can write to or read from a memory location in any step.
  • CREW PRAM: Concurrent Read, Exclusive Write Parallel Random Access Machine. Similar to EREW, but allows for multiple processors to read from the same memory location concurrently
  • CRCW PRAM: Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write Parallel Random Access Machine, where multiple processors can read from and write to the same memory location concurrently.
  • List Ranking: An algorithmic technique for efficiently determining the position of each element in a linked list.

Question 2

level[root] = 0
parent[root] = root
for all nodes v != root
level[v] = infinity
parent[v] = null

for i = 1 to log e
for all nodes v
if ID[v] mod 2^i == 0
Send level[v] and parent[v] to neighbor ID[v]+2^(i-1)
else if ID[v] mod 2^i == 2^(i-1)
Receive level[u] and parent[u] from neighbor ID[v]-2^(i-1)
if level[u]+1 < level[v]
level[v] = level[u]+1
parent[v] = u

We use a CRCW PRAM model here because when a node has more than 1 parent node pointing to it, it should choose arbitrarily who should be its parent. Same for a node pointing to more than 1 child node.

Question 3

Part 1

Function InvocationReturned Value
Prefix-sum (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8){1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36}
Prefix-sum (1,2,3,4){1,3,6,10}
Prefix-sum (5,6,7,8){5,11,18,26}
Prefix-sum (1,2){1,3}
Prefix-sum (7,8){7,15}

Part 2

if n = 1
s = x_1
return s
<y_1,...,y_n/2> = Prefix(<x_1,...,x_n/2>)
<z_1,...,y_n/2> = Prefix(<x_n/2+1,...,x_n>)
for i from 1 to n parallel do
if i <= n/2
s_i = y_i
s_i = y_n/2 + z_i-n/2
return s
  • Total parallel time: T(n)=T(n2)+O(1)=O(n)T(n)=T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)+O(1)=O(n)
  • Total work done: W(n)=W(n2)+O(n)=O(n)W(n)=W\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)+O(n)=O(n).

Part 3

if n = 1
s = x_1
return s
<y_1,...,y_n/2> = Prefix(<x_1,...,x_n/2>)
<z_1,...,y_n/2> = Prefix(<x_n/2+1,...,x_n>)
send from y_n/2 to z_1
for i from 1 to log(n/2) parallel do
send z_1,...,z_2^n correspondly to z_2^n+1,...,z_2^(n+1)
for i from 1 to n parallel do
if i <= n/2
s_i = y_i
s_i = y_n/2 + z_i-n/2
return s
  • Total parallel time: T(n)=T(n2)+O(logn)=O(log2n)T(n)=T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)+O(\log n)=O\left(\log ^2 n\right)
  • Total work done: W(n)=W(n2)+O(n)=W(n)=W\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)+O(n)= O(n)O(n)